• Product of Belgium
Dry dog food kibble XS

Dry dog food kibble XS

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€ 23,07
3 kg
Nutritious and sustainable dog food

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Nutritious and sustainable dog food

For Franky is a healthy and nutritious alternative

to traditional pet food. Our recipe provides your furry friend with high- protein diet, appropriate for even the most sensitive dogs, all whilst reducing his carbon paw print.

Composition: Dried insect protein (22%, mealworm), dried potato flakes, peas, rape seed oil, dried pumpkin (7%), dried brewer’s yeast, minerals, dried apples (2%), dried carrots (2%), dried chicory (0,5%, a natural source of FOS and inulin), dried algae (0,5%, a natural source of essential omega 3 fatty acid), yeast extract (0,5%, a natural source of MOS (mannan – oligosaccharides) and beta glucans)

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  • Product of Belgium
For Franky

Dry dog food kibble S

Nutritious and sustainable dog food

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  • Product of Belgium
For Franky

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Nutritious and sustainable dog food

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