Mon Bouillon

Mon Bouillon is a range of homemade broths made from natural ingredients sourced from short, organic circuits, to help you look after your heart and body.

Mon Bouillon is a range of homemade broths made from natural ingredients sourced from short, organic circuits, to help you look after your heart and body.

"Antoinette is also my grandmother's name.

I discovered the super powers of broth when I was treating myself with Laurence from "Je clic naturel" and during my first pregnancy.

Making stock in a busy life wasn't always easy and required a lot of patience and time... so more and more people asked me to make some for them and the idea of Mon Bouillon was born: to produce good bone broth in a circular and responsible way. Broth that's good for the heart, good for the body."

⎯ Antoinette



Thanks to the presence of numerous minerals, collagen and over 17 different amino acids, bone broth has many virtues, it :

01. regenerates the skin

Bone broth is naturally rich in collagen, which helps to support the skin's natural functions and prevent premature ageing, elasticity and hydration. (source :

02. Nourishes joints

Collagen also helps to strengthen joints (bones, cartilage). Bone broth is rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, two essential elements that relieve joint pain caused by demineralisation and inflammation. They help to rebuild connective tissue. (source :

03. Boosts bone mineralisation

Homemade broth is rich in calcium and magnesium. Bone broth supports the body's mineral and enzyme balance, which is essential for your body to function properly overall, with: calcium: important for the maintenance and strength of your teeth and bones. (source:

04. Reforms the immune system

Bone broth is very effective, as it is loaded with vitamins, minerals and proteins that fuel the immune system. (source:

05. Improves digestive function

Thanks to gelatine, and especially glycine, bone broth improves digestion (especially of cooked foods). This, too, has a positive impact on your general health. Gelatine activates the digestive juices in the same way as raw, living foods. (source:

06. Helps you lose weight

Thanks to its low calorie content and high protein content, bone broth keeps you full for a long time. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, it helps with weight loss.

07. Helps the intestines to heal

Very rich in gelatine, broth acts like sticky paper, helping to restore the permeability of the intestinal membrane (source:

08. Helps maintain acid-base balance

Bone broth contains a number of alkalising minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, which come from bones and some vegetables. It therefore helps to restore the body's acid-base balance. (source :

09. Gives you energy

Broth can be drunk first thing in the morning for an energy boost.

10. Is incredibly comforting

Warm and light at the same time, broth is the remedy our grandmother gave us to cure all illnesses. It's enough to take us back to childhood.

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