Kami Store

It all started with a documentary and a deep desire to do something to challenge consumer habits. It was Kamikatsu in Japan (the first city in the world to sort more than 80% of its waste) that inspired our name and our philosophy. 

The founder of Kami is Jean Piessevaux, who first launched a box of 7 zero waste essentials in 2017, before making the project evolve into an online shop of zero waste accessories for a more diversified offer and a greater impact.

But running a shop is both exciting... and complicated! It's hard to reach the minimum orders for each of your brands when they are high (and when you have a small budget) and then have to sell a stock that sometimes doesn't sell, to fill in unintuitive order forms, and to find wholesalers offering a diversified range of zero waste products.

Kami Store was born in 2020 out of a need to solve all these problems faced by many shops, especially when launching a shop or an online store!

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