Bières de Quartiers

Bières de Quartiers

Bière de Quartiers is a craft brewery based in Paris, France. The company was founded in 2015 by two friends who shared a passion for beer and a desire to bring quality craft beer to their local community.

The name "Bière de Quartiers" translates to "neighborhood beer," reflecting the company's focus on creating beers that reflect the unique character and flavors of the neighborhoods in which they are brewed. Each beer is named after a different Parisian neighborhood and is brewed using locally sourced ingredients whenever possible.

Bière de Quartiers' beers are known for their creativity, quality, and distinct flavor profiles. The company offers a range of beer styles, from classic Belgian-style ales to hoppy IPAs and rich stouts. One of the company's flagship beers is the "Belleville Brune," a Belgian-style brown ale brewed with local honey and spices. Other popular beers include the "République Red," an American-style amber ale, and the "Montmartre IPA," a hoppy beer with a citrusy finish.

In addition to its focus on creating high-quality beers, Bière de Quartiers also places a strong emphasis on sustainability and community engagement. The company uses eco-friendly packaging and partners with local organizations to promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Bière de Quartiers also hosts regular events and tastings, inviting customers to try their beers and learn more about the brewing process.

Overall, Bière de Quartiers is a company that is dedicated to creating high-quality, locally sourced craft beer while also promoting sustainability and community engagement. With its focus on neighborhood-inspired flavors and its commitment to social responsibility, Bière de Quartiers is a great choice for anyone looking for delicious and responsibly brewed beer.

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