We Sell Alcohol products

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7 Products

Nuts, Snacks, Dried fruit Cookies, Chocolate, Sweets Alcohol, Beer, Wine Clear All
Katjang Pedis

Crispy peanuts BIO

Anything more for the apéro?

Container: 1 €

€ 1,55
€ 1,80
190 g

  • Product of Belgium
Brewery Of The Lesse

Toplesse Pils 33cl BIO

A subtle balance between malt and hops

Container: 0.1 €

€ 1,53
€ 1,80
1 unit

Katjang Pedis

Peanuts BIO

Ever tried making your own peanut butter?

Container: 1 €

€ 1,70
200 g

Katjang Pedis

Grilled and salted peanuts BIO

A perfect blend of crunch and flavors for moments of pure pleasure

Container: 1 €

€ 1,60
200 g


Sultana grapes BIO

Golden jewels that add a sweet and juicy touch

Container: 1 €

€ 1,30
200 g


Corn "popcorn" BIO

You will only be ready for the movie when the corn has popped.

Container: 1 €

€ 0,80
€ 1,20
300 g


Grated coconut BIO

A salty and aromatic blend for an unforgettable taste experience

Container: 1 €

€ 1,10
70 g

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