
International Zero Waste Day, how to do it

Author : Simon Bethélemy Created : 1 month ago

The article presents the United Nations' decision to establish International Zero Waste Day on March 30, highlighting the urgency of tackling the waste crisis. It highlights the need for a transition to a zero-waste lifestyle, involving changes at the level of both producers and consumers. Nowa Market is presented as a concrete solution, offering local products without unnecessary packaging. The day is seen as an opportunity to mobilize to build a more sustainable future.

In 2022, at their 77th annual meeting, the United Nations General Assembly made a crucial decision: to declare March 30 as International Zero Waste Day. This global proclamation is a solemn reminder of the urgency to act on the growing waste crisis that threatens our planet.

Our landfills are overflowing, our oceans are choking in plastic and our ecological footprint continues to grow. The need to transition to a zero-waste society is more pressing than ever, given its devastating impacts on climate, biodiversity and human health.

So how can we transition to a zero waste lifestyle? Producers must rethink their practices to reduce packaging and favor sustainable materials. Likewise, consumers have a crucial role to play by opting for local, bulk products and avoiding single-use items.

It is a challenge that requires the involvement of everyone: governments, businesses, communities and individuals. Together we can work towards more effective waste management policies and promote sustainable practices at all levels of society.

And what better way than to start today by choosing more environmentally friendly options? Nowa Market offers a range of quality products, mostly local and without unnecessary packaging. By shopping with us, you are helping the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Clearly, you understand, International Zero Waste Day is the perfect opportunity to mobilize and take concrete measures to reduce our impact on the planet. Join us in this initiative and together, let's build a greener and more sustainable future for future generations.

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